Assignment # 1: Rate 1
This was one of my
favorites because it gave me a nostalgic feeling. As I was working with the
film-medium’s plasticity I can actually feel, see and relate on how it must
have been for early filmmakers to experiment and directly manipulate the
medium. The process of exposing film was not has hard as I thought. Depending
on your goal, it isn’t really as easy as it seems. If your goal is just to have
fun then and enjoy the process then by all means it provides that experience,
but if your goal is to express a concept or idea with the process of film manipulation
then it becomes very tedious and hard. Planning for each frame, the frames per
second, rhythm and pace must be properly organized.
Assignment # 2: Rate 3
The overall
project turned out fabulous, the interaction and mix of ideas; the visual
impressions and expressions of the stills was very varied, an intrinsic
characteristic of crowdsourcing. I rated it a 3 because since I’m more of hands
on person, my involvement was very limited. On the flipside it is meant to free
up your time and at the same time get the crowd involved, so it accomplished
its task.
Assignment # 3: Rate 4
The multiplane
animation was also very fun and very hands on. It is also not as easy as it
seems. Trying to manually imitate movement with manual still images is harder
than it seems, it has to be well planned out. The editing was simple; I
originally thought it was going to be harder. Using angry-birds figures, I’m
doing small multiplane animation projects with my grandkid, which he immensely
Assignment # 4: Rate 3
The project really exemplifies how
important the convention of editing is to filmmaking, the way it creates images
formed by unique visual techniques and editing rhythms that both capture and
express a concept and emotions. Editing is structurally a connective process to
create a whole; it is dependent on rhythm, pace and juxtaposing images, this
process shapes the meaning of the film; broadly it is also a conceptual
perspective process intrinsic to the artist.
Assignment # 5: Rate 1
This one is tied
with assignment #1. For me, this is where it came all together for me, a
collage of the work my classmates and I have done. The hardest part was trying
to create some sort of narrative out of all our work. I believe I accomplished that,
but mainly because there were similarities and cohesiveness, in concept and
theme, with the previous assignments.
Assignment # 6: Rate 5
I rate this the
lowest just because I didn’t get a chance to personally use the bolex, I was
regulated to gaffer, oh-well. It was still very challenging and exciting.
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